As I look back it has been a long time since my last blog post I hope I can change that now that we have been blessed with a new Internet system here at Pierre Payen. Last week was probably my busiest week since the earth quake but looking back it was very productive. We had three teams last week one was here at Pierre Payen doing the weekly medical rotation we started after the quake, the other two were were up at Borel doing construction. The medical team out of Boston brought along a very skilled software designer from Blue Socket a firm who designed and sent down enough wireless antennas and other gear to setup some really nice Internet service for both our compounds. Hopefully now I will be able to blog on a more regular schedule.
One of the things I shared with our teams the last several weeks was about our youth group which is called ACY-IM Association of Christian Youth-International Missions. This Haitian organization which is less than 4.5 months old is leading the way in refugee camps. It is maybe the only national NGO setting up a refugee camp and certainly the only one that has no one over the age of 28 in leadership. My role as founder is only in the capacity of an adviser. Diesmy Garcon the 24 year old National Director spoke on 2 separate occasions last week to my teams. At times he had them laughing and at times in tears but for sure he had them captivated by his faith in God to overcome huge obstacles that woulds be daunting even to a Word Vision or Samaritans Purse type organization. Possibly this week we will be opening a 250 person refugee camp of which at least 3/4 of the housing is semi permanent, not tents. Even more impressive we have a chapel, infirmary, kitchen, storage depot, well with pump, septic and will be offering schooling. It is quite a compliment when someone like YWAM comes calling and wants our young people to help them with a camp.
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