I'm a news junkie when I'm back in the states I hate to miss my 6:30 newscasts. Here in in Haiti I don't own a TV and can't waste my valuable time checking news on my computer. I have though caught a few CNN newscasts the last few weeks . It sometimes seems the news people thrive on sensationalizing disasters, misery and portraying good people in unfavorable ways. Then there is all those movie stars, so called experts and high officials they like to interview. If they could just take their cameras to some of the places and talk with some of the people I know, what a story they would have. If I was to start a news network I might call it Christian Newsworthy Notes, a different CNN.
I have a friend called Jasmine he works for my GAP Ministry's "Feet Across the Mountains" outreach. In Nov. I gave him an outline of an idea I had to start a Haitian youth organization. I gave him the name I wanted to use and a plan as to how I wanted to develop it and grow it across Haiti city to city. The name I chose was Association of Christian Youth International Missions or ACY-IM . In 2 short months Jasmine has jump started our organization into action to aid quake victims, Haitians helping Haitians.
He quickly recruited 80 young men and women in Montrouis, to solicit help by going door to door, making large banners and t shirts requesting that everyone give something. Such items as extra shirts, pants, shoes, towels blankets were given. He went to missionaries asking they contribute money for food. He arranged a truck to transport homeless people to Montrouis. He lined up two schools to house people in. This is the story of how Jasmine always works , tirelessly for the Lord. When wetalked back in Nov. and the idea of ACY- IM the guidelines I gave him was it was to lead young people top the Lord. It was to have three focal points Evangelism, Discipleship and Community Service I believe we have gotten off to a great start in accomplishing our desired goal. It the kind of CNN news we all need to hear about more often, Christian Newsworthy Notes of common people ordinary people making a difference. In God's love, steve