Friday, January 29, 2010


It is fair to say no one was spared from the affects of the earthquake that shook Haiti Jan. 12th. Everyone knows someone a friend or family member who was killed. People have been displaced from their homes have fled Port au Prince for refugee camps or to move in with relatives in the countryside or into other cities across Haiti. People who had jobs in Port are now mostly unemployeed because of the near total destruction of so many areas of the city. Nearly 3/4 of all government buildings were destroyed or damaged causing any dealings with government agenciesare on hold. The airport is shut down to all commercial flights till Feb. 19th or beyond. The terminal has sustained major damage that in my mind would not allow people to be inside anytime soon.

Here at Project Help-Haiti we consider ourselves pretty lucky. My team and and I were standing on the second story balcony of a Port au Prince guesthouse when the quake brought the capital city down upon it's inhabitants. After seeing so many other similar structures demolished to a heap of masonry and steel rebar we shake our heads in wonder to how we were spared.

Project Help-Haiti has 30 churches in Haiti one of which is located in a suburb of Port called Bon Repos. This was our only facilility in all of Haiti to sustain damage. Even though the building also serves as a school no one was inside at the time that it was completely destroyed . On Thursday we delivered a truck full of food and water to the people living under tarps surrounding the Church .Project Help will be looking at how to assist in the building of this church sometime this year.

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